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My name is Darci Menard; I was born in Buffalo, New York, on January 7th. I have 2 brothers Dan and Robert, they live in New York. My parents are Bud and Bobbie who no longer have a house but travel the U.S. and Mexico in their motor home. Even though we live far from one another we are very close.

After I graduated from high school I worked as a hair stylist for a few years. Then I decided I wanted to see the world so I joined the Air Force. When I joined the Air Force I had no clue about the military. Needless to say my first couples of months were very eye opening and I ended up staying in for 22 years. My first fourteen years I worked in logistics and my last eight I cross trained into the mental health field. When I was in logistics I mainly worked on the flight line, supporting aircraft. After I crossed trained into mental health I worked in substance abuse, family advocacy and did base training on issues concerning mental health. I have traveled all over this country and overseas. Korea and Saudi were the most interesting places I have been. My rank when I retired was Master Sergeant an E-7. Making that rank was one of the biggest accomplishments in my life, so far.

After I retired from the Air Force I worked in the mental health field. For three years I worked on an inpatient unit with teenagers in crisis. I really loved this job and felt I made a difference with many of the teens I worked with. Then it was time for me to find something else and I got a job at Intuit, working as a computer support technician assisting customers with their computer program problems. That job was a stretch for me since I had no formal training with computers, but it interested me, so that is when I decided to go to school to learn more about computers.

Currently I am attending Colorado Technical University for a degree in Information Technology. Prior to that I attend the University of Phoenix working on my degree in counseling.

I live in Tucson Arizona raising my two son’s Andrew who is 18 and Daniel, 17. We have three dogs; Rowdie, Ripster and U2. I enjoy playing steel tip darts, NASCAR, swimming and hanging out with my family and friends in my free time. I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up but that is the best part of life. I enjoy challenging new experiences!!!
